

荷蘭台灣商會成立於一九九四年,是一個非營利性的工商組織, 主要成員均是自台灣移民到荷蘭的優秀工商業界人士,希望藉著商會的團體力量在荷蘭工商業界佔有一席重要地位。

荷蘭台灣商會服務宗旨如下 :

1 . 促進荷蘭各國台商之合作,共謀發展工商業,及開拓國際市場。
2 . 加強荷蘭各國台商之連繫、互助與聯誼,及交換工商管理與學術科技之經驗。
3 . 提供荷蘭各國台商各種工商及財經資訊,進而加強區域性經貿合作關係。
4 . 提昇台商之國際地位,並促進各國對台商權益之保障。
5 . 促進荷蘭區域內社會文化之交流,以增進共同瞭解與經濟發展。



Taiwan Business Association In the Netherlands is a non-profit business association established in 1994. All the members are outstanding and excellent business professionals who immigrated from Taiwan to the Netherlands. The purpose of Taiwan Business Association In the Netherlands is to provide a platform for the taiwanese companies and professionals to understand more about dutch business market, invest into local dutch business, and exchanged professional knowledges and information with foreign business, in order to grant an important position of Dutch business market in the Netherlands.  

The service of Taiwan Business Association In the Netherlands are as follows:

  1. Promote the cooperation of Taiwanese business association and various international business association within the Netherlands, in order to grow development of industry and commerce, and explore international markets.
  2. Strengthen the connection, mutual assistance and friendship between Taiwanese business association and other international business association in the Netherlands, and exchange experience in business management and academic technology.
  3. Provide various business and financial information of Taiwanese business in the Netherlands, in order to strengthen regional economic and trade cooperation.
  4. Enhance the international status of Taiwanese business and ensure Taiwanese business are protected with the lawful rights and interests in the Netherlands.
  5. Promote Taiwanese culture in the Netherlands, and enhance mutual understanding and economic development with Dutch Culture.