活動紀錄 Previous Events


Y2023 July

荷蘭台商會- 2021.12.09 第28屆第2次理監事會議 

Y2021 DEC 



1. 2021年攬才洽談會成果報告

2. 2021年台荷產業合作進展報告

3. 加強與立陶宛商務關係報告

4. 以台商會名義參加淨灘活動

5. 名譽會長的設立









荷蘭台商&荷蘭青商- 2021.12.04 威士忌品酒會

Y2021 DEC 



千里馬與伯樂在荷蘭相遇- 2021 TBD台灣商機日

Y2021 NOV 

2021年11月10日荷蘭台灣商機日迎來了第十週年的年度活動。2021年荷蘭台灣商機日,首次與荷蘭烏特列茲育成中心的 Crossroads 2021、台灣全球創業週 (GEW Taiwan) 同步串聯。此次新創活動議題為:『Smart Money for Smart Startups(千里馬與伯樂在荷蘭相遇)』,ㄧ共舉辦25場線上新創活動及會議,鏈接各國新創生態系,並將台灣的新創能量進一步與國際接軌。

台灣商機日順利成功,要歸功於集體的合作與付出。除了TGN、台荷加速器的努力外,荷蘭台北代表處、荷蘭臺灣商會林會長,以及新創委員會陳主委也都有所貢獻, 期望未來能結合更多各方的資源與力量,共同為深化台荷新創合作而努力。

2021 TBA & Grant Thornton研討會

Y2021 OCT 

臺灣商會與Grant Thornton荷蘭稅務部門及亞洲業務部門團隊於10月28日在鹿特丹的Wereld Museum舉辦2021年之研討會,協助企業之長遠需求以及短期應變以永續經營發展。


AI醫療新創論壇 新創產官學界相互交流

Y2021 SEP 

臺灣與荷蘭於9月28日共同舉辦AI AI Health新創公司及未來可能投資人,研究機構及創投結合在一起。此次的產官學,

這次AI醫療新創論壇,由荷蘭臺灣商會的新創委員會、臺荷加速器與荷蘭烏特勒支市政府、烏特勒支醫學中心、新創中心共同在9月28日以線上方式舉辦AI醫療新創論壇,這是雙方第1次以hub to hub方式直接對接。

荷蘭台灣商會 線上戶籍權益會議

Y2021 AUG 


荷蘭台灣商會 林婉叡連任第28屆理事長

Y2021 JUL 



Y2021 JUN Webinar


首先該公司教育諮詢顧問賴德文先生對大家分析歐盟對「循環經濟」最新政策及動態分析,隨後由該公司業務開發經理 Noah Schaul,透過從「做」中學的模式,使用Inchagine商業模擬遊戲,進行兩小時的循環策略模擬及傳達Circularity的概念,讓大家了解何謂循環經濟。


Y2021 JAN TBA Online Lunar Year Event

荷蘭臺灣商會主辦的『2021.02.20荷蘭台灣商會線上新春團拜』線上活動,在2月20日,元宵節前,以視訊方式跟會員們一起歡樂慶祝春節。荷蘭目前仍然苦於晚間宵禁的禁令,共計72個家庭,約200多荷蘭在地台商人上線,,抱團取暖,50多個獎項,大使的小孩的有獎徵答給紅包,優秀台灣駐荷音樂家, 駐唱歌手Jessy表演台式風格那卡西猜歌及趣味猜字蝦拼ABC活動,為大家帶來濃濃的台灣味道,不知不覺就歡樂的過了3個小時。


Y2021 JAN TBA Lunar Year Gift Box

荷蘭台商會感謝您2020年的一路支持!因新冠疫情,讓我們長達一年無法相聚,也更讓我們想念台灣。荷蘭台商會獨家獻上『牛年新春 台灣禮盒』撫慰會員的思鄉之情!



Y2021 JAN Webinar: Post-COIVD eCommerce 

由荷蘭華商經貿協會主辦, 荷蘭台灣商會 & Pivot Services 協辦的線上電商講座,圓滿結束!講座提到了「如何借力亞馬遜全球開店,成功電商轉型」、「成功賣家分享」、「亞馬遜加速器」




Y2020 The Food Bank Donation Campaign

由『荷蘭台灣商會』及『荷蘭臺灣關懷救助協會』共同發起的荷蘭食物銀行『愛心捐款』活動,受到荷蘭台灣僑民的踴躍慷慨解囊,在短短三星期的時間內, 共籌措了12,077歐元。12月14日由駐荷蘭台北代表處陳欣新代表,荷蘭台灣商會會長林婉叡及荷蘭臺灣關懷救助協會黃映兒等人,前往食物銀行總部Gorinchem 代表傳遞台灣人愛心,並舉行正式的捐贈儀式。此次的愛心捐款活動,受到荷蘭主流社會高度的重視,參與捐賑式的有Gorinchem PvdA黨的市議員Mr. Eelke Kraaijeveld,食物銀行總會會長Henk van der Meer Gorinchem的食物銀行負責人Arie de Bruin


   The Dutch Food Bank Donation campaign initiated by "Taiwan Business Association in the Netherland" and "Taiwanese Community Care Association in the Netherlands" was enthusiastically donated a total of €12,077 donation. For Taiwan Business Association, we are proud to announce that all members raised a total amount of €6,050.
   On 14th of December, Ms. Chen, ambassador of Taipei Representative Office in the Netherlands, Ms. Lin, president of Taiwan Business Association in the Netherland, and Ms. Huang, representative of Taiwanese Community Care Association in the Netherlands were invited to Gorinchem, Foodbanks headquarter office to attend a formal donation ceremony.
   This donation campaign was highly valued by Dutch society. Mr. Eelke Kraaijeveld, city councilor of Gorinchem PvdA, Henk van der Meer, president of the Food Bank Association, and Arie de Bruin, head of Gorinchem's Food Bank also attended the ceremony.


NOV Y2020-TW&NL 



Y2020, Taiwan Business Association assist Taipei Representative Office in the Netherlands to held "Taiwan&Netherland Job Fair", in total 38 companies participated. There are in total 400 job vacancies provided by Taiwanese companies. The Taiwanese companies in the Netherlands provided about 52 vacancies, about 215 candidates applied for this job fair. 


Y2020 The 27th Board Meeting of Taiwan Business Association#2



October 30th of 2020, the second board meeting of the 27th TBA meeting was held as online meeting. President Ms. Lin invited all the board members to the meeting to discuss upcoming TBA tasks and share the schedule of on-progress tasks. 




23-OCT Webinar: Employment law in relation to COVID-19

面對日漸嚴重的疫情,各公司又必須拉緊警報,應對疫情及員工之間的權益拉距戰,所以荷蘭台灣商會(TBA)與Bom布拉邦省經濟發展局(The North Brabant Development Agency) 外商投資專案處共同舉辦, 邀請荷蘭朗合國際律師事務所針對COVID 19疫情所引發的勞工問題做進一步的說明。

Facing the increasingly serious COVID 19 problem, companies in NL must pay attention to cope with the various labor rights between employers and their staff. Therefore Taiwan Business Association in NL (TBA) and BOM (The North Brabant Development Agency) co-organize with the support of La Gro Geelkerken lawyers.


08-OCT Y2020-Taiwan Business Day


「荷蘭台灣商機日」當日經濟組組長王劍平做開幕致詞,概述了台灣政府為加強台灣新創產業而採取的行動計劃,包括促進中小型投資的新法規公司,以及開發和吸引人才的計劃。此後,ROM UtrechtJaap Breugem強調台灣和烏特勒支各自的創業生態系統的競爭優勢,技術優勢和業務需求,互惠互利的國際商業合作的模式。荷蘭台商會創新委員會主委陳國雄更以AppleTesla為實例,證明台灣的硬實力,最後烏特勒支大學的Freek van Muiswinkel教授說明烏特勒支擁有全荷成長最快的生物科學園區,提出關於兩者之間協關係的廣泛見解。


On the day of "Netherlands Taiwan Business Day," the economic team leader Mr. Wang Jianping made an opening speech, outlining the action plan taken by the Taiwan government to strengthen Taiwan's new industries, including new regulations to promote small and medium-sized investment companies, and plans to develop and attract talents. Since then, Jaap Breugem of ROM Utrecht emphasized the competitive advantages, technological advantages and business needs of the respective entrepreneurial ecosystems of Taiwan and Utrecht, and the mutually beneficial international business cooperation model. Chen Guoxiong, director of the Innovation Committee of TBA, took Apple and Tesla as examples to prove Taiwan’s hard power. Finally, Professor Freek van Muiswinkel from Utrecht University explained that Utrecht has the fastest growing bioscience park in the Netherlands. Provide a wide range of insights on the assistance relationship between the two.


02-OCT Y2020-The Meeting of Innovative Committee #3



The third meeting focused on the discussion over the another three companies. TBA invited the same group of member to further discuss the pros and cons of potential startup companies, and evaluate the improvement plans. 



28-SEP Y2020-Webinar of investment in Europe

疫情間,全球股市搖擺不定,身處歐洲的台灣人,該如何剖析歐洲股市,從中抓住理財投資機會!荷蘭台商會邀請到擁有20幾年理財投資經驗的歐洲理財專家Lili Su來分享如何在這動蕩的時機,危機入市歐洲理財投資。


During the pandemic period, the stock market is also unstable and risky. In order to be able to understand more about the Europe stock market, TBA invited European financial management expert, Ms. Su, who with more than 20 years of financial investment experience to share how to invest in European financial management during this turbulent time and crisis.



25-SEP Y2020-The Meeting of Innovative Committee #2


    The annual "Taiwan Business Day" held on October 8th, this year. This event combined all the business resources of TBA's Innovative Committee/TGN/Utrecht Municipal Foreign Investment Bureau.

     In this meeting, the director Mr. Chen selected six companies with potential for innovation and technology. During the meeting, Mr. Chen explained the managing situation of the first three companies, and discussed on the advisable improvement.


27-AUG Y2020-The Meeting of Innovative Committee #1



The Netherlands and Taiwan have established several innovation centers in recent years. The TBA hopes to combine the innovative business opportunities of the Netherlands and outstanding Taiwan's technological strength. With the approval of board members, Innovation Committee was formed, and hope to assist Taiwanese companies to go on the international stage, exchange Taiwan-Dutch innovation fields, and expand unlimited possibilities!


Y2020 The First Board Meeting of The 27th Taiwan Business Association



July 25th of 2020, the first board meeting of the 27th TBA meeting took placed in Maastricht. President Ms. Lin invited all the board members to the meeting to discuss upcoming TBA tasks and share out future TBA plan. 




Y2020 The 26th/27th President Handover Ceremony of TBA



10th of July, 2020. With the testimony of Economic Dep. director and secretary of Taiwan Representative Office, Mr. Wang and Mr. Chen; The 26th president Mr. Sung and the 27th president Ms. Lin participated in the handover ceremony of TBA. 


圖左為 宋建文 第26屆會長、圖右為 林婉叡 第27屆會長 、圖中為 王劍平 經濟組組長

Left: Mr. Sung 26th TBA President, Right: Ms. Lin 27th TBA President , Middle: Mr. Wang Economic Dep. director and secretary of Taiwan Representative Office


Y2019 Taiwan Business Association Annual New Year Banquet



Y2019, the 26th TBA Annual New Year Banquet. There were a total of 178 members and their families participated. Mr. Sung, the 26th President of TBA and Ms. Chen, Ambassador of Taiwan Representative Office in the Netherlands, together toasted with all the members and wish to have a happy new year. 


圖左為 陳欣新 大使

圖中為 宋建文 第26屆會長

Left: Ms. Chen Ambassdor of TPO

Middle: Mr. Sung 26th TBA President